The Borderlines Euregion Poetry Slams for this year are over. We closed the slam season on Wednesday, November 24 with the grand finale in Aachen. The past year can be summarized in terms of numbers by thirty slammers on four stages in three languages (four if you count Limburg dialect). But, there is only ONE Borderlines Euregion Champion: MEL. from Liège! 🔥
Hartelijk bedankt also to the other slammers who joined our trilingual battle in Aachen yesterday: Abdul Kader Chahin, Benoît Feyen, Monique Hendriks, Hirondelle qui louche, Lukas Knoben and Spark! Another Dankeschön goes to Egid van Houtem and Frans Bemelmans for hosting the grand finale.
And, of course, to end this long string of thank yous, a big Dankeschön to our local supporters Satznachvorn – Poetry Slam in Aachen, Slam de Lazone and Chudoscnik Sunergia, the project partners PANDA and L’Euregio lit / Die Euregio liest / De Euregio leest, and to the sponsors of the project.
See you next year! ❤️🇪🇺